
domingo, 17 de maio de 2015

Michelle k! New release of Shei Shapes !

Beautiful custom, sweety and realistic female shape. 
This is proportional and looks great with a large variety of different skins and styles.
Hair and skin not included, this is the SHAPE ONLY. 
The information on where to purchase the skin and hair plz send me notecard and i will to send back for u, if you want a similar look. The picture is just a reference of how you can look with this shape, it is not a complete avatar. 
All shapes are copy/modify and no-transferable. 
So you can adjust to your favorite skin,change height, etc.. 
Enjoy !

SHAPE -Michelle K by Shei Shapes
Top-BG Top applier for belleza vênus
body mesh Belleza vênus

sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

BG Johara Blue Topaz + Applier Belleza Vênus


BG Johara Blue Topaz
BG Tribal Kuchi Jewelry headdress
aDiva Kashi Crochet Slink
Modish Alexa skin
Shei Shapes - Sheilla New Edition

Shei Shapes Designer

Shei Shapes Designer


Licença Creative Commons
Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.

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